Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dear Tyler,

So many things have been said today, yet for some reason it is not enough. You have sailed on into the wide and endless ocean known as eternity. I hope you can find answers you were always looking for. Be it God, another life, heaven, hell, purgatory, Vishnu, Allah, YaHWeH or maybe silence. We both know what I believe will happen, but now you know what is on the other side. I am sure you will be glad what ever it maybe and than probably debate with it. I must have faith to what is yet to come for all of us. That dark and lonely journey. I am sorry to hear that you have abandoned your post, hear on Earth. It will never be the same without you. You asked the questions that no one would or would be to afraid to ask. The world lost half the world with your death on August 7th. We remain, to love and hurt, to Laugh and cry. We remain to challenge and change our world and culture. If you were able to see your service know that you were loved by many. I may never know why you left us early, but know that you did not have to.

With love,

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dear American conservatives and progressives,

STOP THE DAMN FIGHTING! Both parties have both good and bad in them. It is really easy to dehumanize the other. It is hard to love one another and move forward. Stop feeding off the hate or both of you fall apart. It isn't a wonder to me that many Americans do not vote. Smear campaigns are easy but or time they get dirtier and dirtier. This is coming from a recovering hypocrite and sinner. Fighting and hate never got anything productive done. An Eye for and Eye makes the whole world blind.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dear Rachel Ray,

Thanks for the idea for dinner tonight. The beff wellington tasted great. YUM-O! Now I have a bone to pick with you. Your show is deceptive. It took longer then 30 minutes to make your food. Also you make cooking look way easier. Also I didn't realize it was going to be just a little bit harder then I thought. Rachel you make cooking look easier than it is.

Friday, July 23, 2010


You Bring me so much joy. I love all your concept. You have introduced me to so many other musicians that otherwise I would not find on my own. Also you help me so much when I write. thanks so much


Dear public education system,

I love you, but you have a ton a problems. I understand that I have a ton of problems as well. I am sorry for all of the mistakes that I made. I am thankful that I had the opportunity to have a relationship with you even though it was dysfunctional at time. You allowed many terrible things to happen to me, but I am stronger now. You taught me many things like: sex and HIV/AIDS; American politics and the United States isn't the ideal for the world; history and that when good people unite the course of history can change. Thanks to you I see that the world is a messed up place, and I want to change it. Towards the end of our relationship I vowed that I was going to change the world, that includes you too. It is taking awhile, but I will.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dear Starbucks customers,

Please be nice to your baristas. I understand that you need a caffine fix to quite the raging headache caused by your addiction, but there is a thing called manners, so say please and thank you and if you can afford it TIP! Also try to buy something and instead of ordering free water for two hours, starbucks is a business after all. Heads up, the more rude you are; the more likely you will get decafed. Being decafed is a passive aggressive retaliation where rude customers are given decaf espresso/drip instead regular. Also there is free WIFI up until 8/30/2010.

I also want to a give a shout out to Mrs. Scott. You are a great teacher.