Friday, July 23, 2010

Dear public education system,

I love you, but you have a ton a problems. I understand that I have a ton of problems as well. I am sorry for all of the mistakes that I made. I am thankful that I had the opportunity to have a relationship with you even though it was dysfunctional at time. You allowed many terrible things to happen to me, but I am stronger now. You taught me many things like: sex and HIV/AIDS; American politics and the United States isn't the ideal for the world; history and that when good people unite the course of history can change. Thanks to you I see that the world is a messed up place, and I want to change it. Towards the end of our relationship I vowed that I was going to change the world, that includes you too. It is taking awhile, but I will.


  1. A Middle-Eastern mystic said, "I was a revolutionary when I was young and all my prayer to God was: 'Lord, give me the energy to change the world.' As I approached middle age and realized that my life was half gone without my changing a single soul, I changed my prayer to: 'Lord, give me the grace to change all those who come into contact with me, just my family and friends, and I shall be satisfied.' now that I am an old man and my days are numbered, I have begun to see how foolish I have been. My one prayer now is: 'Lord, give me the grace to change myself.' If I had prayed for this right from the start, I would not have wasted my life."

  2. wanted to share the quote...your blog reminded me of it.

    Continue writing man! You got some good thoughts stirring in your Noggin! =)
