Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dear Tyler,

So many things have been said today, yet for some reason it is not enough. You have sailed on into the wide and endless ocean known as eternity. I hope you can find answers you were always looking for. Be it God, another life, heaven, hell, purgatory, Vishnu, Allah, YaHWeH or maybe silence. We both know what I believe will happen, but now you know what is on the other side. I am sure you will be glad what ever it maybe and than probably debate with it. I must have faith to what is yet to come for all of us. That dark and lonely journey. I am sorry to hear that you have abandoned your post, hear on Earth. It will never be the same without you. You asked the questions that no one would or would be to afraid to ask. The world lost half the world with your death on August 7th. We remain, to love and hurt, to Laugh and cry. We remain to challenge and change our world and culture. If you were able to see your service know that you were loved by many. I may never know why you left us early, but know that you did not have to.

With love,

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